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12 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Schwelle - threshold
  Schwelle, Reizschwelle - threshold  
Türschwelle {f} - threshold  
  Schwelle {f}; Schwellwert {m}; Schwellenwert {m} - threshold value  
Rauschschwelle {f} - noise threshold  
  Gleitklausel, Indexvereinbarung - threshold agreement  
Energieschwelle {f} - energy threshold  
Schwellenwert {m} - stimulus threshold  
  die Hemmschwelle - inhibition threshold  
Schwellenleistung - threshold performance  
Grenzwert {m} - limit; limiting value; threshold value  
Schwellen {pl} - thresholds
Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example. -- "Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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