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10 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Aussicht, Erwartung, Sicht, Perspektive - prospect
  Aussicht {f}; Chance {n}; Erwartung {f}; Sicht {f}; Perspektive {f} - prospect  
  Erwartung - expectancy
  Erwartung {f} - expectation
  Vorausnahme {f}; Erwartung {f} - anticipation
Erwartungen {pl} - expectations
Lebenserwartung {f} - lifespan
erwartungsgemäß - as expected  
  die Gewinnerwartung - speculation
Erwartungswert {m} - expectancy value  
A person who has nothing looks at all there is and wants something. A person who has something looks at all there is and wants all the rest.

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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