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12 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Schokolade {f} - chocolate
Schokoriegel {m} - chocolate bar, candy bar  
  heiße Schokolade {f} - hot chocolate  
Schokoladentafel {f} - chocolate bar  
  Blockschokolade, Kochschokolade {f} - cooking chocolate  
Mohrenkopf {m} - chocolate marshmallow  
Schokoladeglasur {f} - chocolate icing  
  eine Tafel Schokolade - a bar of chocolate  
  Mohrenkopf {m} - small chocolate-covered cream cake  
Kuvertüre {f} - (chocolate) coating  
Naschereien {pl} - sweets; sweets and chocolates; candy [Am.]; sweets and biscuits
  Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte {f} - Black Forest cake (chocolate layer cake with cherries and whipped cream)  
heavy, adj.: Seduced by the chocolate side of the force.

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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