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25 results German - English substring search »
zu   -   towards
nach   -   towards
kaudal, steißwärts, zum Gesäß   -   caudal, near/towards the tail caudal (medical)
zuneigen   -   towards
zuneigen   -   to lean towards
zuwenden   -   to turn towards
hinwirken   -   to work towards
zugeströmt   -   poured towards
zugeschoben   -   pushed towards
zuschieben   -   to push towards
zuströmend   -   pouring towards
gegen Abend   -   towards evening
zugesprungen   -   sprung towards
zuschiebend   -   pushing towards
zuspringen   -   to spring towards
   |    next 15 »
"People should have access to the data which you have about them. There should be a process for them to challenge any inaccuracies." -- Arthur Miller
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