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44 results German - English substring search »
nimmt   -   takes
erfolgt   -   takes place
scheut   -   takes fright
schnupft   -   takes snuff
übernimmt   -   takes over
duscht   -   takes a shower
[ Personenname ]   -   Takes
kassiert   -   takes the money
sondiert   -   takes a sounding
fotografiert   -   takes a photo
überrumpelt   -   takes by surprise
bemächtigt   -   takes possession of
es findet statt   -   it takes place
verantwortet   -   takes the responsibility
Er ist nicht ohne.   -   He's got what it takes.
   |    next 15 »
Cutler Webster's Law: There are two sides to every argument, unless a person is personally involved, in which case there is only one.
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