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50 results German - English substring search »
Ende, Rest   -   tail
Ruhe, Rast, Ruhepause, ruhen   -   rest
Ende {n}; Rest {m}   -   tail
Rest {m}   -   rest
Rest, Überrest   -   relic
Ruhe {f}   -   rest
Ruhe {f}; Stütze {f}   -   rest
Pause {f} (Musik)   -   rest
Rest {m}   -   relic
Rest {m}   -   remain
Rest {m}   -   remnant
Rest {m} [tech.]   -   residue
rasten   -   to rest
Rest {m}; Speiserest {m}   -   leftover
Rest, Restbestand   -   remainder
   |    next 15 »
The older a man gets, the farther he had to walk to school as a boy.
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