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106 results German - English substring search »
Akne   -   acne, blackheads, pimples (medical)
Base   -   base, having a high pH (medical)
Ohren   -   ear, the ears, the outer ears (medical)
After, Anus   -   anus, anal orifice, asshole (medical)
Amin, Derivate des Ammoniaks   -   amine, organic compound containing nitrogen (medical)
Apnö, Atemstillstand   -   apnea, cessation of breathing (medical)
Basis   -   base, basis, lower part base, (medical)
Gehör   -   ears, sense of hearing (medical)
Gesäß, Hintern, Hinterteil   -   butt, buttocks, rear end, heinie, tush, ass, arse, backside (medical)
Agent, Agens, wirkendes Mittel   -   agent, active ingredient (medical)
Assay, Nachweisverfahren   -   assay, analytical test (medical)
basal, Basis-   -   basal, base, normal basal, (medical)
Clavus, Hühnerauge   -   corn, clavus, callous growth (medical)
Geber, Spender   -   donor, giver (medical)
Ileus, Darmverschluss   -   ileus, intestinal blockage (medical)
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