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218 results German - English substring search »
Herz {n}   -   heart
Atrium, Vorhof   -   atrium, part of the heart (medical)
Asystolie, Herzstillstand   -   asystole, heart attack, often the moment of death asystolie (medical)
auswendig   -   by heart
Kernfäule   -   heart rot
Kernfäule {f}   -   heart rot
kardiogen, vom Herzen stammend   -   cardiogenic, originating in the heart (medical)
kardioton, herzanregend   -   cardiotonic, heart tonic (medical)
Herzstück {n}   -   heart; core
[ Personenname ]   -   Heart
Herzarbeit   -   heart action, cardiac work (medical)
herzförmig   -   heart shaped
Herzwärme   -   heart warming
Herzanfall {m}   -   heart attack
Herzwärme {f}   -   heart warming
   |    next 15 »
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