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25 results German - English substring search »
Wohl, Gut, gut   -   good
Wohl {n}   -   weal
obwohl   -   tho
Duft {m}; Wohlgeruch {m}   -   perfume
reich, wohlhabend   -   wealthy
unwohl   -   unwell
Wohltat {f}   -   boon
Duft, Wohlgeruch   -   fragrance
Lebewohl {n}   -   vale
Duft {m}; Wohlgeruch {m}   -   fragrance
Reichtum, Wohlstand, Vermögen, Fülle   -   wealth
und; sowohl   -   and
unwohl   -   qualmish
Fürsorge, Wohlfahrt   -   welfare
Reichtum {m}; Wohlstand {m}   -   wealth
   |    next 15 »
The three questions of greatest concern are -- 1. Is it attractive? 2. Is it amusing? 3. Does it know its place? -- Fran Lebowitz, "Metropolitan Life"
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