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11 results German - English substring search »
Monate {pl}   -   months
monatelang {adv}   -   months of
Vierteljahr {n}   -   three months
halbjährlich   -   every 6 months
mehrmonatig   -   for several months
noch monatelang   -   for months after
Dreimonatswechsel   -   three months' bill
Halbjahr {n}   -   half-year; period of six months
während der vergangenen zwei Monate   -   during the past two months
Es läuft nunmehr drei Monate lang.   -   It's been going on for three months now.
Fristenregelung {f}   -   provisions permitting abortion within the first three months of pregnancy
Creativity is not always bred in an environment of tranquility; sometimes you have to squeeze a little to get the paste out of the tube.
processing time: 0.04 [sec]

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