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16 results German - English substring search »
immer   -   always
stets   -   always
immer; stets   -   always
von jeher   -   always; all along
Chargenpflichtig   -   always batched
chargenpflichtig   -   always batched
Gebindepflichtig   -   always bundled
gebindepflichtig   -   always bundled
wie bisher   -   as before; as always
immer zu verwenden   -   always to use
jeweils; jedesmal   -   always; a time
es ist immer sicherer   -   it is always safer
immer zur Hand   -   always at your fingertips
allemal; immer; stets; prinzipiell   -   always
Er hat kein Sitzfleisch.   -   He's always on the go.
   |    next 15 »
I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year's fashions. -- Lillian Hellman
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